From North on I-43:
Take exit #126 (Hwy 23 exit)
Take next exit to Taylor Drive off-ramp
Turn right (south) on Taylor Drive for 1-1/2 miles until Union Avenue
(4th stoplight)
Turn left (east) on Union Ave. for about 3/4 mile
We are on the corner of 21st and Union Ave.
From South on I-43:
Take exit #123 (Hwy 28 exit) and turn right (east) on Hwy 28 for 300 feet
Turn left (north) on Taylor Drive for 1 mile 'til Union Ave. (1st stoplight)
Turn right (east) on Union Ave. for about 3/4 mile
We are on the corner of 21st and Union Ave.
From Within Sheboygan:
Take Taylor Drive to Union Ave, then east on Union Ave for 3/4 mile
Take Business drive (Business 42) to Union Ave. stoplight
Go west on Union Ave. about 1/4 mile until 21st Street
GPS Address:
1938 Union Ave, Sheboygan, WI 53081
